Ideas to Impact Blog

Center for Urban Teaching – Recruiting, Preparing, and Supporting High Performing Urban Teachers

The Center for Urban Teaching (CfUT) recognizes that teacher quality is key to student achievement. This independent, Christian non-profit Milwaukee organization recruits, prepares, and supports high-performing urban teachers and leaders for choice, charter, and public schools. CfUT is an essential member of the school choice ecosystem in Milwaukee and a grant recipient of The Bradley Foundation.

88% of CfUT alumni continue to serve in urban schools for four or more years, whereas 50% of all teachers leave the profession within five years.
Source: CfUT

The idea for CfUT’s talent pipeline grew out of a need to solve teacher shortages in the community. CfUT gives aspiring teachers and leaders exposure to schools across the country, as well as practical training and mentoring in a hands-on summer experience. It attracts participants representing 50 universities. CfUT also connects graduates to open positions and provides individualized coaching to new teachers and leaders to boost retention.

CfUT is on pace to have 500 alumni actively teaching and leading in schools by 2020. The organization earns high marks for alumni placement and retention, and 100% of partner schools report satisfaction with CfUT graduates’ performance and character. With support from The Bradley Foundation and the Bradley Impact Fund donor community, CfUT’s ground-up model is effectively developing quality teachers and leaders capable of shaping individual students as well as entire schools.

“The need for quality teachers and leaders is real. The need is great. The need is now. The future of our children, community, and country depend on our combined efforts to fulfill this need. We know what works and as a result CfUT alumni are making a difference in urban classrooms.”

Krysta DeBoer, M.S.
Executive Director, Center for Urban Teaching

CfUT Students