Ideas to Impact Blog

Tackling the Administrative State: Institute for the American Worker (I4AW)

logoThere was a time when being pro-worker meant being pro-union. No longer. For decades, a handful of special interests have dominated labor policy in Washington, DC and made public sector unions into major funders of far-left policies and candidates. Unfortunately, many of these unions now work harder to preserve their own power than they do fighting for their members.

This longstanding failure of unions to serve their members and foster economic growth is why Institute for the American Worker exists. With I4AW, US business and government leaders have a one-stop shop for the best resources on the most important labor policy debates facing our country. Launched in 2018 to educate key policy leaders and stakeholders in our nation’s capital about critical issues in labor policy and advance free market principles, I4AW has very quickly established a reputation for impact:

“I4AW is a valuable and effective bridge between policy think tanks, grassroots activists, and stakeholders in Washington, DC. They bring these groups together to amplify our collective efforts and provide policymakers with the information they need to defend American workers and entrepreneurs.” - Drew Schneider, Director of Labor and Employment Policy, NAM

In just six years, Institute for the American Worker has reframed the narrative on labor policy in the United States. As the only policy group dedicated entirely to labor law reform, they produce timely research for lawmakers while bringing together leading voices that have been in this fight for years to multiply their impact.

Bradley Impact Fund members who support US workers and are tired of seeing unions abuse their members’ trust are helping I4AW scale its work. For example, pro-worker and pro-free-market members of Congress frequently turn to I4AW’s Nomination Watch and Regulation Watch, two outlets that shed light on the shady backgrounds of both controversial nominees and rapidly-expanding labor regulations. Regularly consulted by congressional staff and media, both efforts have been instrumental in advancing pro-market labor reforms.

With today’s relatively constitution-focused legal environment, carving out the greatest amount of freedom for workers and job creators alike could not be more urgent. For both the national economy and those who make it work, I4AW’s leadership in labor reform has become essential.