Bradley Impact Fund members know that America’s gargantuan federal regulation regime hampers our national economy. But how bad is it, really?
Because of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, we know exactly how bad it is—and what can be done about it. According to CEI’s 2024 Ten Thousand Commandments report, regulations cost every American household more than $15,000 per year on average—more than food, clothing, education, or any other household expense except for housing. The total annual cost is $2.1 trillion, almost as much as the $2.3 trillion we pay in income tax.
Founded in 1984, CEI is America’s leading advocate of regulatory reform on a wide range of policy issues. Fighting for less regulation, more freedom, and fairness for all, CEI’s comprehensive approach turns policy proposals into concrete reforms through three strategic initiatives. And with the possibility of a new administration in November, now is the time to prepare to unleash America’s economic power.
Enter CEI, whose research and analysis are cited thousands of times every year in major media outlets, relied upon by scholars and advocates, and used by members of Congress, executive branch officials, and other federal and state policymakers as the basis for reform actions and proposals. Leveraging its research to craft advocacy campaigns to persuade policymakers and transform public policy, CEI’s experts meet regularly with federal and state legislators and staff, agency leaders, and administration officials, in addition to testifying at congressional and agency hearings and meetings and filing comments on proposed rules, guidance documents, and other agency proposals.
Finally, CEI goes directly after dubious statutes and onerous regulations through strategic litigation, winning precedent-setting rulings from the US Supreme Court and lower federal courts. As America’s preeminent federal regulatory state watchdog, CEI has earned the support of many Bradley Impact Fund members who share their vision for an America freed to thrive without unnecessary government burdens, where property rights are secure and Americans are free to prosper